
On Demand Webinar: Applications of GC-IR with Real World Samples


DotsOnline infrared analysis of the eluent from a gas chromatograph yields detailed information on the composition of complex mixtures. The technique of
GC-IR is complementary to
GC-MS in that the infrared spectrum is sensitive to the molecular structure of the intact molecule. GC-IR thus provides easy identification of separated isomers, a weakness of GC-MS. Identification of isomers is important in many application areas, including forensics, petroleum and flavors and fragrances. This webinar will describe the hardware and software for GC-IR, and will demonstrate its use with analysis of real world samples.

Who should attend:
Scientists tasked with identifying key components of real-world complex mixtures.

Forensics, Environmental, Petroleum, Flavors and Fragrance

30 minutes