The Vanquish UHPLC system was built around the column and the user to deliver better separations, more results, and easier interaction. This liquid chromatography system is an integrated and fully biocompatible solution that addresses the needs of chromatographers performing state-of-the-art UHPLC.

Increase sample capacity for high throughput workflows
Methods get faster and sample sets become bigger. Choose an instrument that doesn't limit your sample capacity.
Your Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ system can run a UHPLC experiment unattended for several days and "not run out of sample"- that would mean use the full weekend to record data. Out of the box, the Vanquish system comes with a vial capacity of 208 samples. You can increase this sample capacity to 8832 samples simply by replacing vials with well plates and adding our Charger module.
The built in bar code reader keeps track of all the sample racks and wellplates. And naturally, all samples are temperature controlled.

Proprietary injection and switching valves
Having 1500 bar pressure capability is not enough— the rest of the system must be built to handle the extended pressure range. To ensure the reliability you need, we have built the valves from scratch, using ceramic wetted parts, for maximum durability and biocompatibility. These Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ dedicated valves are used to introduce the sample, and are also available as switching valves for more advanced applications.
Combined with biocompatible Viper fingertight connection tubing, there is no better flow path imaginable.

Industry-leading pump performance
The Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ System allows you to perform separations up to 1500 bar of column pressure. Add smooth flow delivery and correct gradient composition and you get excellent results.
Over the full pressure and flow range, the Vanquish pump has exceptionally low pressure ripple, contributing to incredible retention time stability. Minimal pulsation ensures that the same flow and gradient are delivered in each run, for consistent results every time.

Fingertight pump check valves
Optimal performance and up-time requires that maintenance be performed easily and efficiently.
As example, the Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ system has fingertight check valves, based on Viper technology. This allows for tool-free maintenance and provides an easy and reliable sealing mechanism.

2x3 solvent channels HPG
Experience the benefits of binary pumping without compromising flexibility.
Binary pumping systems are good for high-throughput applications. By offering a binary pump with 6 solvent channels, the Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ system provides the flexibility required in chromatography. Solvent changing between methods can be done automatically, which provides the ability to run up to 9 different solvent combinations without interrupting your experiment.

Active pre-heating
Temperature rules retention, selectivity and efficiency, so temperature variation during separation must be minimized.
Active pre-heating ensures that the solvent entering the column will match the column temperature and avoids any performance loss from temperature effects. The pre-heater causes minimal dispersion while still providing ideal heat transfer and the installation is as easy as with any Viper connection tubing.

Thermostatting modes
Hosting the LC column means much more than simply "hold and heat." At UHPLC pressures, frictional heat can build up inside the column. The Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ column compartment offers two thermostatting modes, which you can select based on your needs. Maximize chromatographic efficiency with the still-air mode and achieve seamless method transfer with the forced air mode.

System biocompatibility by default
UHPLC is not limited to small molecules. Biomolecular analysis can benefit from the higher resolution and faster analysis this technique offers.
By making the entire fluidic path biocompatible and have temperature control of critical elements the Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ system is also ideal for the analysis of proteins, peptides or DNA.

Viper fittings
Viper fingertight fittings have revolutionized the way connections in HPLC and UHPLC are made.
The Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ system utilizes the Viper fittings in all connections from the pump to the detector. Whether setting up a method or maintaining the system, the Viper fingertight fitting system will ensure that making connections is always tool-free.

Outstanding S/N and linearity of LightPipe DAD
With impurity profiling or other high sensitivity measurements, the difference is in the tiniest details.
The LightPipe™ technology in the Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ detector provides you with an unmatched detection experience. This detector achieves the best signal-to-noise performance through the combination of the lowest baseline noise, a very long light path, and minimum peak dispersion. The ultra-wide dynamic range supports the challenging simultaneous detection of highly concentrated main compounds and impurities down to trace levels. Interfering refractive index and thermal effects are reduced to a minimum for less baseline drift, and therefore more reliable peak integration. This enables you to detect what was separated with confidence.

Thermo Scientific Vanquish UPHLC System - Revolutionize Your UHPLC Experience Thermo Scientific Vanquish Diode Array Detector HL Fast Nevirapine Impurity Profiling Using UHPLC-DAD The Vanquish Platform-Major Improvement in Throughput and Resolution of Xanthones in Mangosteen Pericarp Thermo Scientific Vanquish Diode Array Detector HL
There is no separation without a column. Founded on state-of-the-art Core Enhanced Technology, the Thermo Scientific™ Accucore™ Vanquish™ C18 UHPLC columns provide a unique chromatography solution to enhance laboratory workflow and productivity.
This Accucore Vanquish UHPLC column features 1.5 µm solid core particles, which provide ultra-short diffusion path lengths, resulting in the most efficient separations.
Accucore Vanquish UHPLC columns enable laboratories to meet higher throughput demands, by achieving better separations and more results.

Tablet controller
Today's world is connected, and now you can extend this to your UHPLC system.
Add the Chromeleon App to your Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ system for additional control and ability to closely monitor your experiment and instrument directly from a tablet.

Charger module
The Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ system with the Charger module allows for added sample capacity, performing the highest throughput UHPLC analysis. This setup provides greater walk-away time, and reliable sample protection. The fully integrated robotic unit provides environmentally controlled sample management and automated sample loading into the Vanquish UHPLC system. Chromeleon CDS ensures convenient sample tracking and results processing of even the largest sample sets.
Furthermore, the Charger module has a barcode reader that automatically inventories each plate or rack within the device every time the door is closed. This feature allows users to add samples at anytime, even while the Vanquish UHPLC system is in operation.
Discover More About Your Sample with Charged Aerosol Detection
Reveal the full picture of your sample with the Vanquish Charged Aerosol Detector, a unique and unmatched "all around" detector.
Charged aerosol detection can be used for the analysis of large and small molecules, biomolecules, additives, supplements, specialty chemicals and polymers.
The Vanquish Charged Aerosol Detector provides superior universal detection over up to 4 orders of dynamic range. With near uniform response that is independent of chemical structure, relative concentrations can easily be measured without chemically identical standards. This enables you to detect what was separated with confidence.

High-Performance UV-Vis Detection Workhorse
The Vanquish Variable Wavelength Detector is designed to give you full confidence in your analytical results. Robustness and flexibility are combined and not compromised, raising the bar for a new level of performance in Variable Wavelength Detection.
Operating with a data collection rate of up to 250 Hz supports the needs of today’s analysis and future proofs for tomorrow’s fastest UHPLC applications. The superior optics design provides the best signal-to-noise performance without compromising robustness. This allows long-term detector operation significantly reduced influence from environmental conditions on detector reproducibility.
The detector design offers greater flexibility, not only allowing a broad detection wavelength range of 190 to 900 nm but also the ability to monitor various wavelengths, through fast and accurate wavelength changes or through simultaneous acquisition of up to four channels. The wide selection of available flow cells allows these benefits to be experienced with various column formats.

Get selectivity and sensitivity with fluorescence detection
The sophisticated design of the Vanquish Fluorescence Detector enables multiple measurement features for maximum effectiveness. Monitor up to four excitation/emission wavelength pairs simultaneously in multichannel operation mode with ultrafast wavelength switching or scan your chromatogram for the best emission/excitation wavelengths with fluorescence fields.
The optical design of the Vanquish Fluorescence Detector provides you with best detection sensitivity and superior signal-to-noise performance, while thermal effects are reduced with temperature-controlled flow cells for increased detection precision.
Use all these features to get the selective and sensitive detection you need.

Application switching valves
Having 1500 bar pressure capability is not enough - the rest of the system must be built to handle the extended pressure range. The two-position or multi-position valves that can be added to the Vanquish Column Compartment, at any time, are ideal for application switching or method scouting experiments. When combined with our biocompatible Viper fingertight connection tubing, these applications can be performed with the utmost ease.

Get better results with every injection
The metering device in the Vanquish sampler allows excellent injection precision with 0.01 µL increments. It is designed to ensure superior performance and retention time precision by SmartInject technology. The elimination of the pressure spike at injection improves column lifetime and minimizes the sample dispersion. Also, the metering device can be tuned, allowing you to recreate matching gradient delay volumes (up to additional 100 µL) in method transfer situations.

Flexibility from quaternary solvent mixing
Extend your capabilities by adding all the flexibility from state of the art quaternary solvent blending. Our SmartFlow™ pumping technology with automatic compensation for changing eluent compressibility ensures excellent flow and gradient precision, independent of eluent composition and backpressures.
Use the flexibility of the quaternary pump to drive complex separations that require ternary or even quaternary gradients as well as method development.