Covering the basic steps taken to collect simultaneous standardized quantitative data for energy dispersive (EDS) and wavelength dispersive (WDS) X ray spectroscopy. See how our integrated Thermo ScientificTM NORAN System 7 platform builds a standards library in a matter of minutes. We demonstrate how the AutoMatch feature accurately determines the composition of magnetite (Fe2O3). We explore the ZAF and phi-rho-Z EDS matrix correction factors and discuss our best-in-class peak deconvolution algorithms.
Tuesday, October, 22, 2013
Session 1: 9 a.m. CDT (3 p.m. BST, 4 p.m. CEST, 2 p.m. GMT)
Session 2: 3 p.m. CDT (4 p.m. EDT, 1 p.m. PDT, 8 p.m. GMT)