
Vanquish UHPLC

The Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ UHPLC system is an integrated, fully biocompatible system, addressing the needs of chromatographers performing state-of-the-art UHPLC. With unrivaled performance and throughput, the Vanquish UHPLC system offers separation from the status quo.

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Vanquish Flex Binary System

The Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ Flex Binary system is a biocompatible UHPLC system, with state-of-the-art binary high pressure solvent blending.The Vanquish Flex Binary delivers fast and reliable UHPLC separations needed for high-throughput analyses.

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Vanquish Flex Quaternary System

The Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ Flex Quaternary system is a biocompatible UHPLC system, with state-of-the-art quaternary low pressure solvent blending. The Vanquish Flex Quaternary delivers flexibility required for method development.

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The Vanquish design results in increased uptime, improved robustness and better reliability. Multiple detection options give you the performance you need. Thermo Scientific™ Viper™ fingertight connections, available on all Vanquish systems, make set-up easy.

Vanquish UHPLC systems are state-of-the-art UHPLC systems. Together with our gold-standard Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ Chromeleon™ Chromatography Data System (CDS) and our comprehensive columns and consumables portfolio they will lift your separation capabilities to new levels.

The Gold Standard in Chromatography Data System Software

Vanquish systems are controlled by Chromeleon CDS. The operational simplicity is in full support of the easier interaction the system offers. The instrument control features, eWorkflow™ method setup, and instant data (re)processing will make you more productive.

  • Set up and control your system with ease from the ePanels and SmartX tools
  • Monitor data acquisition live in the ePanel or sequence overview
  • Protect your work from data loss during a network failure through secure Xvault
  • Reduce the training effort for your lab staff with the intuitive workflows
  • Use integrated mass spectrometry support for single point control of Vanquish LC-MS setups
Chromeleon CDS

Delivering Powerful Separations

Founded on state-of-the-art Core Enhanced Technology™ and utilizing vast experience in phase bonding and packing, Thermo Scientific™ Accucore™ Vanquish™ C18 UHPLC columns provide a unique chromatography solution to enhance laboratory workflow and productivity. Accucore Vanquish UHPLC columns feature 1.5 µm solid core particles, which provide ultra-short diffusion path lengths resulting in the most efficient separations.

  • Get better separations for the most complex mixtures with the high efficiency of Accucore Vanquish UHPLC columns
  • Achieve more separations while maintaining the efficiency at high flow rates
Accucore Vanquish C18 UHPLC Columns

Connections with ease of use

Thermo Scientific™ Viper™ fingertight capillaries revolutionize the way connections are made in UHPLC. Viper fittings pave the way for easy setup from the standard to the most advanced column configurations, while providing virtually dead-volume-free chromatography to get the performance you require.

  • Enjoy optimized fluidics with minimized dispersion for dramatically improved LC performance
  • Trust in fingertight connection, even at maximum system pressure and temperature
Viper Fittings

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